Episode 3
#3 - MindBites - How to Build and Maintain a Healthy Mindset
Ever caught in a whirlwind of negative thoughts? Want to rewrite your mental script? Join us, Tom and Joe in a transformative journey to a healthier mindset! 🧠💪
We delve deep into the core of positivity, resilience, and self-awareness. Discover how self-compassion, Optimism, simplifying life, and focusing on progress rather than past setbacks can be your fuel for change. 🚀
But that's not all! We also explore the murky waters of an unhealthy mindset, characterized by pessimism and a lack of resilience. Learn from our personal battles how crucial it is to be in the company of uplifting people and how destructive negativity can be. 💣🚫
(0:00:00) - Building and Maintaining a Healthy Mindset
Optimism, resilience, self-awareness, compassion, progress and positive self-talk are key to developing a healthy mindset.
(0:09:47) - Resilience and Positive Self-Talk
Resilience, self-awareness, positive self-talk, support system, realistic expectations, and small successes are discussed to manage difficult times.
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Welcome to Inside of Mind. I'm Tom and I'm Joe, and this is the Inside of Mind Chat Show. A quick disclaimer Joe and I are not professionals in the topics we discuss. We talk from a subjective point of view, from our beliefs and experiences we have gone through in life. Secondly, we love doing these videos, so, whether it's the podcast or this chat show, please like, subscribe or even share it with a friend. It helps us massively. Now sit back, relax and I'm going to put our 10 minute timer on Four. I'll chat on how to build and maintain a healthy mindset. We're ticking, we're on, let's go.
::Mind if I kick things off and ask you what you think a healthy mindset looks like.
::Yeah, of course. For me there's probably three, in my opinion, the three key characteristics to a healthy mindset. That would be someone who's optimistic, someone who's resilient and someone who's self-aware. These are my three. I really sat down, had a proper think about if I was to view someone and be like. That's personal I want to be like. That's the mindset of someone I want to be like. Those are my three. So having a healthy mindset includes having a positive outlook on life. So for me, being optimistic being able to see the silver lining in challenging situations and maintain hope for the future was a big one. Being resilient being able to bounce back from setbacks, failures, adversity, and being able to do that with determination is massive. And lastly, being self-aware. So it means understanding someone's emotions, someone's thoughts and behaviors and also being aware of what you do yourself. So being able to be critical, sort of see yourself on the third person point of view and be able to break down what's going wrong in your life. I think they are my three key characteristics to a healthy mindset.
::What are yours? Yeah, really good one. I've got three written down here from. I've written down. So, being compassionate with yourself as well, I can definitely relate to that one number one. So lack of self-sabotage, so being positive about oneself or others, that's something I can definitely relate to. I'm not sure about you. Two, going back to basics. Again, we touched on this when I came on as a guest with you on the pod, I think. Just eating the right foods, within reason, obviously, getting enough sleep and sticking to a routine within that as well, so like getting out of regular walks and stuff and exercising regularly. I think getting back to basics, I think is a huge fundamental part of a healthy mindset. And lastly, focusing on progress rather than regression. So focusing on the future and positivity around that and rather than the failures and past things that have happened already. So those are the three of them.
::Hey, I love all three of them. Yeah, those three of me. If you were to flip that on its head and you were to say what is an unhealthy mindset look like to you? Or if you know someone where you've been like, oh, the way that person thinks is just incredibly unhealthy to themselves and others. What would your sort of key areas be for that?
::I guess the complete opposite of what we just said, right? So I think it's pessimism rather than positivity. I think, with someone who has a really dour outlook on things and everything's just glass half empty and everything's negative would be one around that, constant negativity is a huge one, and letting the small things bother them and a complete lack of resilience as well. I think that sounds quite negative in itself, but having someone have a lack of resilience for either I don't know a negative review at work, rather than taking the positives out of them, how to improve its negative, negative, negative, so I think it's sort of creating resilience around someone I think is a huge one for a negative, a negative mindset anyway For sure.
::Being around people that just like constantly draining and negative is so stressful it is that really wears off on me Like I'm massive on surrounding yourself with people who you want to be like. And if I'm around negative people, whether that's in the gym, whether that's with friends, whether that was at school, whatever it was it just used to like it would ruin my whole day. Like every time about fail.
::And it's just like it's one of the most draining things and I like actively look.
::If someone has that as like a characteristic just to stay away from, I just physically can't do it anymore. It just ruins everything.
::One of the biggest bits of advice I'd give to anyone is to hang around people who have a positive outlook on life and on you as well, and fill you with good things rather than taking them away. I think that's. That's a huge bit of advice I give to anyone is just surrounding, but with positive people rather than negative ones, and a huge difference.
::I know some tips for developing a positive mindset that you're big on is positive self talk and sort of self encouragement in a way. Can you expand a bit on that? And I know that's something we've talked about a lot, especially on our first episode of the podcast.
::On what I was, a guest, you mean.
::Yeah, yeah, when you were on our last episode we talked about like having a positive outlook on things and, yeah, sort of like seeing things differently as well, and we touched on that, on the Matty one too.
::Yeah. So I mean Matt was huge for it. I mean he was a big believer in if you tell yourself enough that you're really good at something, your brain will start to believe it and you'll achieve the things that you've set out for. So people with a negative one will say they're really bad at something. Therefore they'll never achieve anything and they'll generally believe that they're not very good at it. Matty told himself enough times that he will sell anything to anyone. Therefore, he will sell anything to anyone, and he actually achieved that.
::He'd managed to achieve that and sell it to anyone If you believe in it enough.
::you tell yeah, 100%, the devil on your shoulder. Telling you no, you tell them yes enough. Then that guy will go away and you'll start to achieve more as a result of it.
::What's your, what's your view on like setting goals, like long term goals, short term goals. Do you do that, or is that something you'd encourage, matt?
::it's like you. Like we discussed it on the pod Routine is everything to me. When I don't have a routine and not my clients have this when they go on holiday. Whilst that holiday is amazing, when they get to the end of it they start to want to come home again because they miss that routine. And they miss waking up, setting alarm at the time of each day, setting out little targets to achieve through the week or through the day and through the month, etc. That can be a really, really, really amazing thing, for 90,000 of my clients rely on routine to be able to achieve anything they want.
::Setting achievable goals too. Setting achievable goals on that routine, whether that's at the gym or where that's just like I said earlier, even if it's just like get having a lot of time to get up, that all adds up after a while.
::Yeah, no, I think. Routine for me, I'd say to any one of my clients, friends, family, anyone looking to achieve a healthy mindset is setting achievable goals but also having a routine around it. I think that was just two massive, massive things moving forward to achieving what it is you want out of something.
::Have you ever done any like mindfulness, meditation type things, because I know when my mom gets stressed or you know for even friends of mine like they love meditation, they love breathwork and all those different types of things. Have you ever looked at doing stuff like that?
::Not not as I will, I will do this and a good friend of mine, jamie, who is absolutely God when it comes to the breath space world. I will definitely look into it because more and more people now going down that space and it's something that you know yoga I'll teach Pilates. A lot of mindfulness and breathwork comes into that. So not as much as I'd like, but I definitely will be looking more into it and I'm giving it a go for sure.
::Is there any sort of people you look up to in terms of like, who has a healthy mindset? Where you're like, I want to be like that person, whether it's a celebrity, a friend. Is there anyone that sticks out to you in particular?
::Weirdly, my mom. So, like, I think, if I want to pick one person who's been through more things than a lot of people have been through, I think, and she always managed to have a healthy outlook on life, is my mom and there are celebrities out there and authors and people have written books etc. But closer to home, definitely my mother, because she's very positive about life and she's her outlook is just amazing, so that she'd definitely be one for me. How about you?
::Apart from family. I'll go different, I'll try. I think the celebrity and this one's like so random because like people just won't know who he is there's this guy in the NFL called Jalen Hertz. He plays for the Philadelphia Eagles and he was like he's written off his whole life during everything he does. You know, he got taken over as a quarterback at his university. He had to transfer. Everyone was saying you know, he was rubbish and he just kept going and going and going and every press conference he did it like he could have been so sour, he could have been like oh yeah, they dropped me this, this that he was so humble, he was like I've got to be better, I've just got to keep growing. And then he was the backup on his team, got drafted late and now he's one of the best quarterbacks in the NFL and I always remember that coming out of university I was like this guy's so cool, and that was about four or five years ago now.
And he's always like stuck out to me if someone who's just incredibly humble, hardworking, everyone was hating on him but he just sort of had tunnel vision on what he did and I think people like people like him just have the strongest mindset especially when you're in the public eye to just keep going and going and going.
::I love that. I love that. Even slightly closer to home for us is that meeting Alex. You know, a couple of weeks ago, you know it that I like.
I think that episode when it comes, I can't wait for it. That really really brought home to me as someone who's got a really healthy, positive outlook on life in general, someone who has been in the public eye, come under scrutiny, trolls from the internet, etc. He's got such a great outlook on life in general and it definitely was a bit of an eye for me for them just to sort of get out there and try things and that that really really stuck out to me on the episode we did with him and yeah, I can't wait for that one to come out, mate.
::Yeah, that's going to be out soon. I'm not sure when that will be out. In terms of when we release this. I think this will be released next week. Sometimes it should be out by now, if you're watching this. But that is a wicked episode. Especially, he's just. He's a type of guy that's. You know, that's such a good point. Someone like Alex, where he's just everyone would hate on him or we're telling him to do something else, and he just had the vision. It was me and Olivia, his girlfriend. We're just going to battle through and not care what people think, because they know they're going to, and it's just yeah it's nuts, Some of the hate people get and being able to stick it through.
being able to have that's like we said the positive self talk, being self aware, knowing who you actually are, and the resilience the resilience to get through that. These are some of the best characteristics in my opinion, not just in leaders but in people in day to day life. Like having those characteristics being resilient, self aware and also, you know, just being able to positively self talk. As you said, it's just so useful when it comes to day to day things, not just in sport and not just as a leader. That's our 10 minutes. Hopefully we've packed enough information in there for everyone. So that's obviously our 10 minutes up and where you hopefully have learned how to keep and maintain a healthy mindset.
I know this is a tough time leading up to Christmas, but thank you for all your questions and, as you know, Joe and I will try and cover as many, as many as them as possible. We had this question three or four times, I think you said on your story to talk about this. I'll take that at least. At least, I hope we've kind of filled in enough information about what we do, some of the lessons we've learned and some of the people we look up to as well. But anyway, thank you for watching Inside of Mind. That's it from me, that's it from me as well. And this is the Inside of Mind Chat Show, episode three, signing off.