Episode 6

#6 - MindBites - Chat Show Christmas Episode 🎄 Music, Food & Family

Published on: 22nd December, 2023

InsideAMind Christmas Special! 🎄

Join us for a dive into our favorite holiday traditions and flavors. Tom and I will chat about everything from my Nan's delicious jam turnovers and mince pies to Tom's love for crispy potatoes and sautéed Brussels sprouts. It's not all about food though; we'll get nostalgic about family celebrations, how we've gone from eagerly waiting for our own presents to now enjoying the kids' excitement. 🎉

Boxing Day is a highlight for me, with the comfort of leftovers and the laid-back vibe of the season. We'll also talk about the challenges of the holidays, like staying healthy amid all the fun. Expect stories about balancing indulgence with wellbeing, and even some tips for enjoying the festivities smartly. 🍪

Finally, we'll share the story behind our podcast - how it started, the ups and downs, and the amazing connections we've made. It's a journey of personal growth and community. So, grab your eggnog, get comfy, and join us as we toast to the memories and more to come. Here's to a festive season filled with joy, friendship, and gratitude. 🥂

--------- EPISODE CHAPTERS ---------

(0:00:00) - Christmas Special

(0:09:55) - Health and Enjoyment During Holidays

(0:15:09) - Starting a Podcast and Personal Growth

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Welcome to Inside of Mind. I'm Tom.


And I'm Joe.


And this is the Inside of Mind Chat Show. A quick disclaimer Joe and I are not professionals in the topics we discuss. We talk from a subjective point of view, from our beliefs and experiences we have gone through in life. If you like this Christmas special, please like subscribe. It helps us massively. Now sit back, relax. We're going to start our 15 minute timer 15.




Inside of Mind Chat Show Christmas special. You're ticking hey what's. Christmas special let's go. I'm going to start us off and we had a few questions in. These were a few questions which are just generic, generic good Christmas questions. I want to know, when it comes to your Christmas dinner, what's your go-to? What's your go-to, favorite thing when it comes to your Christmas dinner?


Those people tend to answer I'm not actually mine in roasts and I'm going to get a lot of heat for this. I'm not actually mine in roasts. I eat one. Honestly, monday I'll delete one and it's going to be great, but I'm not going to have a dessert go on Christmas. I'm all about the puddings and, like jam turnovers that Nan makes, I'm all about the puddings. I can be dessert all day long. I eat one. I'm going to start off with dessert as the travel.


It was in their main course, it was jam-roly-pony.


What about you then Turn out your idea of Christmas dinner?


It's got to be crispy potatoes. When it's done in the garlic, oh come on. And it's something like you get your fat, oh come on. Or when Mum does these Brussels sprouts, where she cuts them in half.


Or you're a sprout guy, okay.


Yeah, I love sprouts. I love sprouts. Hate on me. I love my sprouts, where she boils the sprouts and then she'll like cut them in half, fry them off, so they're like not too crispy, but they're like sautéed for the big guy.


Sautéed Come on who am I.


That's creepy. And then the horseradish on the side. Can't forget the horseradish.


I love that.


What would be your go-to dessert? From what you said? What did you say your grand does?


I mean Nan's desserts are absolutely go-to, Like homemade minced pies, the jam turnovers, like they are so good, Like trifle. Trifle's not big on for most people, but hers is very special so I'll go for the dessert. Oh my gosh what's your thing?


Hate minced pies.


Really Quite common. You know that's what I conserved. I tried them. We'll get a point down below. Put yes, mince pies. Yes, mince pies.


What's the best part of Christmas for you? It will be your like thing where you're like yeah, this is Christmas for me. This is the best bit.


It's quite a family, isn't it? It's quite a family. I really can't share it. But I think having a whole family there Last kind of Christmas we've done it at my sister's house and it's been great because it's like big, open, communal space with all the family there and obviously the family's grown so much the last couple of years. All the meat and nephews and the other one I've got on it. It's kind of comes more about them opening their presents than me opening mine. As much as I like, opening mine as well. They're getting it wrong. But when you get the sort of the, all the kids running around with all the new stuff, that's just wicked and obviously the food as well.


Do you do all your families together? Do you say, like everyone, all in one place? Do you do all your family together, like everyone in one place?


My family's relatively big for that mate, but like closest nurse and dear or something, my sister's obviously her partner and we'll get together. And then obviously the kids more recently sort of the meat and nephews. Like I said, they're not a ball there and it's just we're growing a small army now, so we'll get it yourself.


We tend to just do our close family. So the five of us, the dog and then my two grand, do you?


put out for the dog. You're out for yes or no? We're in, out for the hot dog. Is that you want me to do? No, stand me up or not.


He's coming. He's a bit too fat for it, so he looks like a like and like. Don't hit any guys up to like halfway down, it's so good.


He loves it.


He has a little advent calendar as well.


He's the most loyal dog. That's unbelievable so what's your favourite take on Christmas then? What's your favourite part of it?


Take on Christmas. What do you mean by that? Like favourite.


No, like favourite part of it, what makes you feel like Christmas had properly started.


To be fair, I do love the build up of it. You know what? I think it's going to be controversial in a way, in itself as well, but my favourite thing is actually like the boxing day left overs, when you have a Really Everything.

The next day we go from a big walk and we go down to the brewery and we just like it's just good vibes. That's actually my favourite thing On the actual Christmas day. It's just like it's good, it's great. I'm always in like a food coma by, like I'm lying now it's so long. It is every year, yeah, I think, especially now as well.


Like you said on the point of family.


It always used to be about presents and like getting on the Xbox with the lads. But now obviously we're older and I felt like my sister's nearly 30 now my brother's 26. Like you treasure those moments, especially when they've moved out, and you know when everyone's home together and you're like playing ball games or you know having a drink and you're with your family. Yeah, that's not going to last forever. So I think being able to recognise that and being able to appreciate every Christmas From now is pretty big and I'm glad I have sort of recognised that at a young age. That makes sense. Yeah, I wish I appreciated that more. But yeah, family for sure has got to be, got to be novel.


I know that.


I'm going to kick off with a Christmas movie and it's actually a question we got in on our Instagram DMs, which I saw before. Yeah, and it was what's your favourite Christmas movie and why. And then I'll get a flip on its head after.


I'm going to go classic and go Grinch or Home Alone. I can be original Home Alone, though not the latter ones. That's my favourite. Home Alone is favourite.


The first one's, alright. Wait, that's my. You know we're being controversial. I like it.


We love some heat Hate Home Alone.


I was watching it like what was the hype around this Even growing up?


I was like this is. I've apparently just said that.


Yeah, I know Everyone's going to hate me for that Unreal, unreal. I actually got my favourite. I am that guy. Love Actually Come on On Christmas Day. We all watch Love Actually Every single Christmas, like Clockwork and Elf. Elf is so great. Elf is a great show, elf is my number one, and then Family Wise. We all watch Love Actually. That'll be my number two.


I'm a romcom guy either. So Love Actually does nothing for me, holiday same thing. So I'm going to just, I'm going to just hate for that one.


Yeah, I reckon I enjoy it more because it's more like a family watching. Right, that's why eight, nine of us? Like grandpas, I love it as much because it's like that's that time of the year. So, watch on my own. Over and over is else.


Yeah, I'm going to be a little bit more famous.


I love it. Activities during Christmas, whether that's like what you guys do in terms of relaxing, is it physical exercise? Are you, are you gymming, you know, in the build up to Christmas, are you running, are you walking? Because I'm not time of year If we're bringing this back to well being yeah.

I can't. I can't sit here and say I'm an angel. I like Christmas more than the, more than the next person. I like to relax. As an excuse, what do you do on yours? Because I've started to change the last probably year or year or two in terms of what I do.


In what sense?


Like do you train when in the lead up to Christmas still, would you just treat it like another day, not on Christmas day?




We do like walk on Christmas day, but in terms of like actually going to the gym and stuff and yeah because a lot of people use it to just eat a shadow of food and not do any exercise.


Yeah, I mean I'm a bit of a balance because I still train all the way up to Christmas and then I'll have like Christmas day, boxing day off, like a day or two around that, but I still have to have a routine around it because it keeps me taking over. And then Christmas day I'll just eat anything in my path. I'm like a bloke, I just eat, just destroy anything, but then at the same time I'm I'll still exercise all the way up to. So my, my routine hasn't changed all that much, and I think you're the same is I played my last game on the weekend for rugby, so I know I've got to. I've not dreaded that for the next couple of weeks I can recover, for the next month at least, so I can use the weekends as well. So when you read big win, big win big win, big, big win.

Yeah, yeah, it's good. So yeah, it's a question. I think exercise one doesn't really change for me. So, yeah, I was always through to have a few days off and then, like you say, walk to the family, and that won't stop.


Do you think the majority of people do use it as an excuse to Christmas period or do you think people quite switched on with it at the moment Because, in terms of also in terms of being cold as well the failure I have used as a excuse once or twice?


Right, yeah, tomorrow yeah.


It's such an awful feeling when you look back here. You're like why do you do that?


Yeah, I think it's like it's a combination of things. I think it's being cold, getting a cold. I think it's toward the end of the year, everyone's tired, no one's got any money. I think it's a combination of five on six elements that sort of culminate in someone feeling a bit more lazy than they did in the beginning of the year, when you can sort of set yourself targets and I know we've spoken a lot about that, about in previous pods, about sorry chat shows, about times of the year when we're feeling more or less motivated.

I know a lot of people who are struggling well more this time of year than they maybe have to the last couple of years, for whatever reason. Well, that doesn't help either. Like you say, it's cold, wet, miserable, it's dark, so people can use it as an excuse and then sort of say I'll get back on it in January, which is absolutely fine. Like you can. Everyone needs a bit of time off, right? You need a bit of time to enjoy yourself and eat and drink. If you want to do that and I just choose not to, because I just don't I don't really drink, as you know, and I'll eat a couple of amounts of food knowing like an exercise in between.


I've been dealing with my alcohol a lot better Because, in terms of like not drinking as much but like being able to control it more, struggle me like kind of style days where I was like either completely cutting it out or getting obliterated drum, just like having found a bit of middle ground. So I do like to have a drink with us with like down at the pub with friends. Not like excessively Do that and like still be in a good headspace is something I've always struggled with because I've always Blackout drunk and like in an awful headspace for three, four days.




Yeah, I'm at sort of middle ground, like kind of Like know when to stop, like I know my, know, my body more now, which is a much, a lot of feeling, and if I'm like actually I just don't want to drink, say I just don't drink.


That's the thing. Is that it's that soup spurt, isn't it? It's that just no, not, not enough, and too much is that that gap in the middle is way too small. I think it takes a bit, a number of years to work that out. Sometimes Someone's better at that out. Some people just go into sort of obliteration, as you say, like all the way to oblivion. Yeah, all the time. But yeah, I'm glad in that space where you can sort of have X amount of beers, whatever, and then you sort of hit a wall where you think, okay, I'm pretty sure, really in a little bit, now have a bite to a glass of water, and it sort of sets you on your way and you're, you're back in the race.


Winning. I'm gonna ask you if you have any tips for sort of making healthier choices, eating wise. I saw one, but I'll let you. I'll let you go first. This is I know. It's like you know in a way there's a lot of tips out, there's a lot of light. I'll just don't eat as much, but yeah.


Christmas yeah, that's the thing is is most of my clients either will or won't ask me in the build to Christmas and say how do I go about managing Christmas? And I would say, just do exactly that and manage Christmas, I think, let your hair down and enjoy yourself, but also Setting yourself little limits all the way through. If you want to have a bit of chocolate, a bit of you're going Still in your desserts, and you have a couple of glass to wine and stuff, you have to align yourself. That and yeah, without going OTT, I think it's just not being too strict to yourself because people could be really hard themselves a bit too much if they just let themselves go, knowing that they can just sort of lose it again afterwards.

We are, I think, sort of setting yourself limits through the whole Christmas period. Would it be not drinking every day, you know, drinking on the weekend, or having a glass, a couple glasses on on the Christmas day itself? Or when it comes to the food thing, yeah, of course you got to enjoy yourself and in eat we want, but within reason. I think it's sort of being a bit relatively balanced.


Yeah, what one piece of advice I saw. I see it loads from he's a good mate of mine, zach Southall podcast Cool guy, very cool guys. It's like an online coach now, but he's he's very switched on with all this stuff and he says to his clients he's like, listen, it's Christmas or whatever time of year, it is Diwali. Some of his clients are and he's like enjoy yourself, but when it comes to the food, take one plate as soon as you finish that plate, just wait 20 minutes and if you're still hungry, get that other plate, and the majority of the time You're not going to process the food properly.

And he's like take that plate only one, eat it 20 minutes on the clock. If you're still starving, you want more, go get more. If you're not and you realize you're actually full, stay like that.

And he's like that yeah when it comes to fun things like this, you know there's no point make it really strict on yourself, in my opinion. Like it's Christmas, it's family time, you're eating well, but I think that's a really good point. Like that's something I'm, you know, could easily do. Take one plate, talk for 20 minutes with my friends and family and if I am still hungry, just go get some more after. It's like the food. I'm going anywhere. I thought it was a really good point when I saw it from him as well.

been your favorite memory of:


I Would say to if I'm out to cheat, one of the start and one toward the back end of the year. I think my sister getting married in January Was mega and she went through a lot prior to getting married. That was perhaps pretty special. Her game, I'm a Barbados, pretty nuts. And then, yeah, it was crazy. It was such a good time, like just the most amazing time with the family until the back end of the year. I think sort of my girlfriend you're getting to know her last couple of months has been pretty special as well. So starting into the air is pretty good, nice, yeah, yeah.


Probably starting this podcast generally, yeah, yeah, from from scratch. I think, when you, when you start something from an idea that just comes out of nowhere Well, not comes out of nowhere, but comes from a lot of, in a way, trauma and the idea was you never share it with anyone. But now you're in the position where you know you have shared it with the world and you're helping loads of people like when you see your DMs and my DMs Suffer and a lot of people relate to that was probably my biggest, my biggest win of this year in terms of self development for myself, but also helping other people. You know, I, if I could go back to that moment six months ago, I would let you tell myself, just start straight away, so second-guessing it for a while, and it's just. You know, it's been great. We met some wicked people as well, haven't we?


have some legends and also, by extension of that, we've actually made trailer properly, like we've seen for a while, and I didn't get to know each other that well and I think, when you invited me on as a guest, I can never envisaged Doing this ever, and I think the online space is something that's I've spoken a lot about recently, more so than ever. I think it's alien to me. I've gained to know you in that sense and meeting the guests we've had on mate, I think I've. I know you'll say the same as you just did. You come on leaps and bounds on your personal journey as a result of what we're doing for the people. So it's a, it's a win-win and it's just been amazing to to start this and sort of grow and grow and grow and I'm out. I can't thank you enough have beyond as guest number one.


It's been a pleasure. Yeah 2024 a let's go anyway for the meantime. That's our time up. So whether you are watching this, whether you are celebrating Christmas or not, we hope you have an amazing time, but for the meantime, it's a Merry Christmas from me my Christmas from me as well. And this is the inside of mine Christmas special Whoo.

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Season 2 all about Mens Health & Wellness! Based around our 3 pillars - Finances, Fitness & Relationships!
A Mental Health & Wellbeing Podcast hosted by Tom McCormick & Joe Moriarty

Season 2 is all about Mens Wellbeing!

Episodes interview guests who are experts in their field, we discuss Finances, Fitness, Relationships & much more...

Tom & Joe also openly shares the lessons they have learnt from their experiences in dealing with mental health problems.

In a world where the pace of life can sometimes feel overwhelming, it's easy to neglect our Mental health & wellbeing. But on the podcast we understand that your mental state is equally as important as physical state.

Through a blend of expert interviews, personal stories and evidence-based research, this podcast seeks to shed light on the complexities of the human mind and provide actionable strategies to improve all aspects of your mental resilience.

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